About Me

I'm a web developer located in Nairobi and an explorer who wanders the digital ocean of technologies intending to gather the best Tech tools and utilizing them to design, develop, and deploy quality websites and web applications on the internet. Among the tools that I make use of are; Html, CSS, Javascript, and its framework React JS, Next JS and Node js.
I'm a Well-organized person, problem solver, independent employee with high attention to detail. English literature and football fanatic I'm also an Automations Eng. with a bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Technical University of Kenya.

What I do

⚡ I Develop highly interactive Front end/user interfaces(website, webpages and web apps) for your web and mobile applications.
⚡ I design and build Web applications in normal and SPA(Single Page Applications) Stacks.
⚡ I get to have the opportunity to connect your business to the rest of the world through internet SEO's.

Learn more

MY Portfolio

Bellow is a couple of projects that I have worked on. Check them out.

Doppio Coffee Shop website

The project above is a representation of an E-commerce coffee shop site. I developed the site using HTML, CSS and Javascripts language

View The Site

Global Weather APP

Weather App which I created using React-JS and APIs. You can search cities worldwide and get the current and forecast weather features

View The Site

Luxury Tours and Travel Website.

Delivering excellence in transportation and parcel delivery services. Luxury Tours and travels is an online website for the company where users can check and track their parcel at anytime when they book with them.

View The Site

Writer Speaker

Writer Speaker is an Educational platform that we developed and deployed on Google play store and Apple store. The platform offers educational courses for online studies to any individual looking to improve their skills.

View The Site

Download my resume

Here is my link to my other online presence;
Linked IN:linkedin.com
Github: ibrahimy353.github
