What I Do

In addition to crafting visually appealing websites and web applications that enhance a client's market visibility on a global scale, I prioritize security by providing top-notch web hosting services. My aim is to ensure that client sites are always secure, up and running, providing peace of mind and protection against potential security threats.

Skills & Experience

As a freelance developer with over a year of experience, I've had the opportunity to work remotely with fantastic clients and collaborate with skilled individuals to develop web products for both businesses and consumers.

I specialize in creating responsive websites that are not only visually appealing but also optimized for speed and search engine optimization (SEO). My expertise lies in front-end development, utilizing technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring innovative designs to life through interactive animations, custom plugins, and features. Furthermore, I have extensive experience in working with popular open-source CMS, such as WordPress and its plugins, to deliver high-quality websites.

Personal Projects

Click on any of the project below to view the site as well as also the code behind each project.

Doppio Coffee Shop website

The project above is a representatiokn of an E-commerce coffee shop site. I developed the site using HTML, CSS and Javascripts language

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Global Weather APP

Weather App created using React-JS and APIs from Weather site and Image background from pexel. You can search cities worldwide and get the current and forecast weather features

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Demo Currency Convertor

The project currency convertor is a website built on react and material-UI. The project aims to take the guessing out of saying wrong currency figures when converting currency from one to another.

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